Benefits of EV Battery Shield
Buying an EV Battery Shield Warranty brings you several benefits...
Let's hightlight them for you.
Peace of Mind
Eliminate battery degradation and failure concerns, you know your battery is protected
Investing in global sustainability
If you have to cancel the warranty you will receive a refund
Smart Financial Planning
Avoid large, untimely replacement costs
Create a financial reservoir for future expenses
Build's higher resale value if you sell
Offers refund if you cancel
Increase Resale Value
Buyers of pre-owned EV's will have serious and justifiable concerns about battery replacement costs and how long the battery will last.
EV's equipped with a low and affordable EV Battery Shield warranty will be more desirable to buyers, providing peace of mind for buyers and higher profits for sellers.
EV owners who invest in EV Battery Shield early on in their EV lifecycle will see a return on investment by having a more valuable, higher priced EV to sell when they can transfer a low, affordable payment to buyers to eliminate battery replacement concerns.